500 Things To Know About The Ancient World
Kids who think history is dull will change their minds in a hurry when they open this "can't-put-it-down" book. It's filled with strange and fascinating facts about the ancient world, and packed with illustrations and photos--mostly in color--that show attention-grabbing artifacts from many cultures of the distant past. Some of the many subjects described and discussed include--
- Both the ordinary and the very unusual foods Romans had for dinner--and breakfast and lunch, too
- A board game played in Mesopotamia some 5,000 years ago
- The reason why the Aztecs thought human sacrifices were necessary
- Which ancient people considered boiled ostrich a favorite food
- Schools, subjects taught, and methods of education in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, pre-Columbian America, and other places in the distant past
Here too are facts about marriage and divorce in ancient cultures, the different kinds of clothes the ancients wore and how they fastened them in a time before zippers and Velcro, the magical ways in which ancient Egyptians interpreted dreams, the plants that were used as medicines in ancient civilizations, and much, much more. Here in a single volume is a collection of the most amazing, surprising, funny, unusual and sometimes gruesome things that contributed to the daily lives of ancient people around the world. Hundreds of photos and illustrations.
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Author: Carolyn Howitt
ISBN: 9780764138638
Pages: 152
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.4 x 0.5 inches