Letts Success Learn Practice English Age 9-10
This Key Stage 2 English book contains accessible revision content and clear practice material on a double-page spread appropriate to ages 9-10. Children are able progress at their own pace and levelled practice allows them to see how they are performing and where they need to focus their efforts. Self- and peer-assessment encourages children to see how to get to the next level while top tips help pupils grasp the content in the revision sections. The self-mark scheme within the practice sessions helps to monitor progress and pull-out answers are included. Key words on each page link to the glossary for easy reference. This series complements the popular "KS2 Success Revision Guides and Workbooks" range.
Publisher: Letts EducationalAuthor: Educational Experts
ISBN: 9781844192144
Pages: 80
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 21 x 0.5 x 29.7 cm